
Understanding Allergies In Dogs

Food allergies are difficult to recognize for those who are unfamiliar with the symptoms of the allergy. Just like humans, dogs too are prone to allergies. Common allergic symptoms in a dog include skin infections, facial itching, belly itching, frequent ear infections and facial itching.

Generally, most dogs are fed with commercial dog food to get the required nutrition for healthy living. However, since most of these packaged foods contain various harmful ingredients, namely fillers, coloring, and proteins, consuming such food can cause a dog to develop allergies. When a dog develops an allergy the GI tract and the skin is most commonly affected.

To know whether a dog is suffering from an allergy, it is important that dog owners observe their pets and take clues whenever they see unusual behavior in their dogs. So, if a dog is seen scratching himself continuously after consuming food, it most likely that the food is the possible cause for the allergy. However, it should be noted that fungal infections can also cause allergic reactions in dogs.

Most dogs are usually allergic to corn and wheat. However, the levels of reaction can differ in each dog. While some dogs exhibit minimal effect, there are others who suffer numerous problems after consuming such food. When buying pet food, always check the labels to know what your pet is consuming. Ensure that the pet food you are buying does not have excessive coloring and high-fat preservatives as it will help reduce the risk of an allergy in your pet.

A common symptom that allergic dogs exhibit is hyperactivity. This kind of behavior in dogs is usually linked with food allergy. Dogs when suffering from hyperactivity often feel uncomfortable and become restless and behave in odd ways.

Allergies in dogs can also be caused due to illness and digestive issues. It is, therefore, important that you observe your pet closely before, during and after feeding to ensure the real cause of the problem. Taking necessary precautions to prevent an allergic reaction can play a vital role in helping your pet lead a happy and healthy life.

See Raw ground beef for dogs and cats.

Why Trauma Is Like Living With A Monster

The best way to view trauma is like a monster dwelling in your body feeding itself with your painful memories and growing fast before eventually taking over your life.

As a result the monster will be draining your physical, mental and emotional energy.

That is why you always feel terrified, empty, wasted, vulnerable and disturbed during and after an intensely traumatic experience.

The monster deploys its sharp claws within, disrupting the core of your being and making you feel like something sharp ripped through your heart, which becomes the center point of all the pain.

The painful memories are just live scenes of you being brutalized, raped, humiliated, molested, beaten, or abused recorded in your memory as mental films that can easily be retrieved and played back at any time of the day or night.

Unfortunately, these mental films can be played back in your mind in the future over and over again with great clarity causing huge complications to your emotional and mental state of being.

See how to beat trauma in Jesus.

Why We Should Trust God Without Reservation

Trust is unmistakably a very significantly element because it pertains to an individual’s integrity, image, character, and ability. One vital component of trust is that a decent person always feels humbled and honored when he’s trusted with a particular responsibility. On the other hand, when such person is turned down as a result of a lack of trust, this literally brings hurt and trouble.

Therefore to personalize this, let’s say that as a follower of Christ you’ve been doing your very best to follow the teachings of the Word of God by letting them to have a great impact of your way of living, and for whatever reason someone that you know very well cannot trust you. It’s very clear you’d be deeply hurt by that because you’re let down by that person’s ignorance and lack of trust regardless of your reputation.

So to a much greater extent, the same analogy also applies to God. As messed up we are as humans, we can really feel what it’s like when we cannot be trusted. Imagine for a God who has an uncompromised credibility in everything. A God who’s functioning into a realm far above the realm we’re operating in which is filled with deceptions and lies.

When we cannot trust God, He’s truly disturbed by that due to the fact that He’s not honored as He’d want us to honor Him because of our unbelief. It’s also symbolic of us telling Him that He’s not trustworthy irrespective of what He’s able to do along with all the claims He has made about Himself when it comes down to His willingness to be there for us.

The main foundation of our relationship with God almighty is trust. Therefore that’s the key reason why the Word of God plainly states that without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). Keep in mind that faith and trust are the exact same thing. He wants us to trust Him without withholding anything because He’s the only One fully able of meeting all our needs.

See for more in depth teachings.

Know Your Dog’s Health Condition

Your dog’s ill health is a very significant signal that something is amiss. For instance, if your dog has nasal congestion there may be a constant discharge coming from his nostrils. if that discharge is thick, then pneumonia may be the cause.

Dogs typically vomit now and then, but this is no reason for a lot of concern. Nevertheless, if you see him vomiting frequently, the signs point to a deeper issue that you should investigate.

If you notice your dog scratching constantly, check for irritated skin. The scratching could also be due to lice, fleas or ticks crawling around or attached to his skin. To check for pests, part his hair and have a look.

It is natural for your dog to pass stool 1 or 2 times a day, but it is time to be concerned if your pet commonly passes loose stool and you should have this looked at. Your dog may have some type of bowel disorder. You should also be concerned if your dog does not pass stool at all for a number of days. This could be serious so check it out immediately.

Pay attention to the way your dog is walking and if there is something abnormal about it there could be an issue brewing. Limping may indicate lesions on the pads of his foot, or an older dog may be walking that way because of joint pain in the knees or hips. it is important to look into this quickly. Also keep track of how much food your dog is eating.

When a dog’s eyes turn white, this is an indication that he may have developed an eye disease, like cataracts. Anemia can also cause the eye color to turn pale. Dogs that start nipping or biting their owners could be exhibiting signs of pain.

What you should know before adopting a new dog.